I like this layout, it works pretty well. Anyway, here's this month's update.
Completed Pieces
This month had me playing with plants. I've had Fang for a while so I expanded my garden apartment to add herbs, mushrooms, and strawberries.

Aside from the plants, this month was sparse in the way of craft things. Been working on a lot of large projects.
A small cross stitch fan from a kit I got off my sister. There's a series of these so I have the bamboo one in my to do list.
Random drawing. I haven't drawn or painted in a while so I decided to draw something. Not entirely happy with it but it's ok.
Random toilet roll holder. Was playing with different crochet repeating patterns and made this. Needed one anyway so it was worth the test.
Lastly, gloves made with Red Heart "Lisa" yarn. I have a scarf and a pair of long socks to do before I finish this set and move on to the next set.
Completed Pieces
- Shop
The lemon commission is still being made in a batch for sale in my Etsy shop once. I've ordered some custom tags and other business themed items to make it more "official" like. Hopefully I get this up and running soon.
- Personal
I've started a Google Sheet with information on what I have in progress so I can check them off as I go. I've got 10 of each listed for Shop, Personal, and Commission.
Here's some teasers for my personal things I have in progress.
- Commission
In terms of commission items, I have a few hairclips my sister has asked me to make for her on the list but I haven't commenced anything as yet.
Writing In Progress
Writing has stagnated. Really not much to add here at the moment. Hopefully I'll get back into this soon.