Sunday, March 3, 2019

Website Redesign

Welcome to the new Garden of the Black Roses, where the imagination grows wild!

You are currently viewing Wellspring of Roses, home of all things imaginative and the written word.

With the assistance of both Wix and Blogger, I've recreated my website on a, hopefully, more stable platform. So what does this mean for you?

My new landing page is: Garden of the Black Roses and so please adjust your links to that page. This means that from this landing page you will be able to choose which area you wish to view.

Each area, once the Wix site is completed, will contain only items pertaining to that particular area. The only exception is Wellspring of Roses which has the old blog posts from all three sections and I don't plan on moving them so for anything older than the date of this post, please see that blog.

Hopefully this arrangement will work out well, and if not... well then back to the drawing board.