"She didn't even think about it," MikeRex murmured angrily. "Why can't you tell me why she'd kill me?"
"Because there's nothing you can do to correct it," Lack replied with a level voice. "In addition, she'd kill me if I told you. That's a side of Chibi I never want to see again." He gave a small growl and added "Why don't you ask her instead of trying to get it out of me?"
"Because I don't want to see her angry side either," MikeRex replied. "She's scary when she's angry. And with those pieces of Thanatos, getting her angry is the last thing I should do."
Izual and Kchan looked at each other. With a small nod, they caught up with Chibi. "Is it ok to leave those two at each others throats?" Izual asked her. "Their auras are going dangerously close to 'kill'."
"If Mike knows what's good for him," Chibi replied as they turned a corner. "He'll drop it. I know Lack won't betray my trust. He won't say anything to Mike. So it's up to Mike to drop it."
"But you know," Kchan added glancing back at the two. "You know Mike won't drop it. He's stubborn that way. Even my sister, Jemini, has trouble changing his mind when he's fixated on something." Kchan noticed her slight pause in mid step before she continued on. "Your…"
"Don't say it," Chibi snapped. "If I don't hear it, I don't feel it. If I don't feel it, then I don't get hurt. I don't want to know. I only told Lack because he caught me crying once. I don't want to hear it again. Got it?" Izual and Kchan nodded shaking slightly. "Lack can handle Mike. He's use to this sort of thing from him anyway." Chibi gripped her sword and tested it's blade with her finger. "But if he hurts Lack…" They felt a very demonic aura flow from her. "I'll kill him."
Yukiko looked at a piece of paper and then up to a pair of large metal doors. The Fight Club symbol covered them in fresh paint. Pushing open one, she stepped inside. Nervously, she walked up the path to the main entrance. She stood staring at the doors for a while.
"Not going in?" chirped Kishu standing next to her. "You need to speak to her don't you? You won't find her until you go inside."
"But…" Yukiko said nervously. "It's not polite to just go in uninvited."
"Then do you want to be my guest?" A young Assassin Cross asked. Yukiko jumped shaking. "By the look of you, you're from the Alchemist Society. I'm sorry to say but Chibi hasn't been here for a few months now. We're waiting for her to return." She extended her hand. "I'm Kakaxi by the way."
"Yukiko," Yukiko replied shaking Kakaxi's hand. "What do you mean 'waiting for her to return'? Her orb reveals that she's here."
"She isn't," Kakaxi said with a sigh. "During the battle with Loki, three Guild Masters were blown through separate doorways. Chibi was blown in with MikeRex. We know that they're on Nameless Island but we don't know when they'll return. The orbs are showing here because Chibi is usually here." Yukiko looked stunned.
"Just drop it already," Chibi growled brandishing her sword at MikeRex. Her demonic aura increasing. Lack stood behind her with a red hand print on his face. "You're both getting on my nerves!" Izual and Kchan stood a good distance away.
MikeRex put his poleaxe on the ground and raised both hands. He could feel Chibi's demonic aura increasing by the second. Chibi's sword shook and MikeRex backed away. Lack sighed and raised his hand bringing it down hard near the base of her neck. Chibi's eyes darkened and she fell forwards. Lack caught her and lowered her to the ground.
"What did you do just then?" Kchan asked noticing Chibi was out cold. "More like why."
"Because Chibi was feeding the pieces of Thanatos within her with anger again," Lack said as he and Izual moved Chibi so she laid on Lack's back. "Eir said it was dangerous if she did that. And since she was focused on Mike, I though it was time I knocked her out before she did more damage." He stood and held her in place. Kchan giggled and moved one of Chibi's left hand so it held her right arm.
"Now that's just too cute," Izual said sarcastically. "You really do look like siblings. An older brother bringing his younger sister home after a long day out." Izual, Kchan and MikeRex burst into a fit of laughter. Lack gave them a dirty look and started to walk down the corridor. "Hold on Lack," The three ran after him. "We didn’t mean it."
Syaoran slid his sword into it's sheath as a heap of Blacksmiths fell to the ground. "Do we have to go through this every single time? Do the work you're suppose to do!" Stepping inside, he came face to face with a Whitesmith. The badge on his chest revealed he was the current High Seat. "They're really pushing the limit."
"It's because Fight Club is so strong," he replied with a sigh. "I'll oversee their work and make sure it gets done. They're doing overtime that the Society isn't getting paid for. I'll make sure they do a proper job."
"I'll leave it in your hands then, Kei." Syaoran replied walking off towards Lack's study where Phenomenon and Tadakono were waiting for him. The thought of the mountain of paperwork that awaited depressed him.
Tadakono looked up as Syaoran walked into the room. "They're working now?" he asked handing Syaoran a report that FerrariSin handed in on Loki's castle.
"Kei's watching them," Syaoran replied taking it and finding a comfortable spot to sit. "I'm glad that we can get through the usual stuff faster now but these reports are time consuming."
"I know what you mean," Phenomenon replied after reading the tenth report on Guild expenditure. "But a lot of these are repetitive. I was looking over the old files and Lack has highlighted important parts or changes in repetitive reports. Ones like the one you're holding Syao, Lack writes little notes all over the pages. I think we should leave the specialized reports for him."
Tadakono nodded and added "Skim over them though just in case there's something important we need to know."
Kchan touched the transportation device and waited. It glittered and sprang to life. The door slid open to reveal a very small room inside. "I wonder if we all can fit," she mused to herself.
Chibi moved her head and brought her lips close to Lack's ear. "What are you doing?" she whispered in his ear. "Did I fall asleep?" Lack shook his head and followed Izual and MikeRex into the room. "Then…"
"Don't worry about it," he replied and set her down on the floor. "You're not hurt are you?" Chibi shook her head. "Then don't worry about what happen." Chibi blinked and looked at him with glazed eyes. "Just rest. You're still out of it."
Kchan tapped away at the controls near the door. The room shook and the sensation of movement was felt by everyone in the room. MikeRex knelt down near Chibi. He looked at Lack who gave a slight nod. "Chibi," he asked tapping her arm. "Why would you kill me?"
Kchan gave him a smack across the head. MikeRex looked up at her annoyed. "Because she's out of it doesn't mean that you can ask her questions like that."
"It's the only time she will answer and not remember that she answered," Lack replied watching Chibi's expression. "Mike…"
They listened carefully. "Because I still love you," Chibi replied her voice very soft. "When you left me and went to Jemini, it hurt much. Your kindness hurts me now. Everything about you does." Chibi closed her eyes and went to sleep.
MikeRex fell backwards surprised. Lack folded his arms and nodded. "That's why I told you there's nothing you can do to correct it," Kchan sat next to Chibi and moved her so Chibi's head rested on her lap. She pet her hair gently. "And why she'd kill me if I had been the one to tell you." Izual sighed and sat next to Kchan watching them. "You need to pretend that you didn't hear that or she'll really murder you to the point of not return if she ever found out."
"She'd murder us all actually for letting him ask," Kchan added plaiting a piece of Chibi's hair. "She really doesn't want to know anymore."
"If I don't hear it, I don't feel it. If I don't feel it, then I don't get hurt. Is what she said to us Mike," Izual said as the room jerked slightly. "You really better drop it now that you know why." MikeRex nodded and looked at Chibi's peaceful expression.
Yukiko sat staring at Chibi's orb. Ever since she visited Fight Club Headquarters, the orb had not moved. Mazenda walked in with a teapot and two cups on a tray. "Yukiko," she said slowly noticing the orb had clouded over. "Yukiko, the orb…"
They both stared at the orb as it gave a bird's eye view of the lands it passed over. It flew north past Yuno into the outer world. "Where's that?" Yukiko asked as Mazenda ran around Chibi's office looking for books.
"It's Freya's Temple in Rachel," Mazenda replied bringing the book over to show her. "How she suddenly appeared there, I'll never know."
Yukiko quickly wrote two letters. Handing them to Kishu, she said "Take one to Tadakono, Syaoran and Phenomenon in Fight Club Headquarters and the other to JohnFlora and Jemini in Velvet Touch of Enishi Headquarters." Kishu bowed and walked out of the room. "It'll still take her a while to get back and we don't know if the others are with her."
Tadakono looked up to see Kakaxi and a red Lif at the door. "Flyte… Or not. It's Kishu isn't it?" The Lif nodded and handed him the note from Yukiko. Phenomenon and Syaoran came over to read over Tadakono's shoulders. "Chibi's in Rachel?" Kishu nodded and bowed leaving the room.
"She didn't stay long," Phenomenon said looking out the door. "I guess she has another order from Yukiko to do." Coming back into the room, he added "What should we do? We don't know if Lack is with her."
"But at least with her here it'll boost morale a bit," Syaoran replied looking over the note again in Tadakono's hand. "And she'd be able to pin-point Lack more easily than just us."
"True," Tadakono said placing the note on the table. "One of us needs to stay here then. There's still the Blacksmith problem that Kei is having trouble controlling and if the three of us disappeared together, the guild might fall apart."
"I'll stay this time," Syaoran offered with a sigh. "I can't promise that Chibi will come home to relax. The paperwork pile will probably be as big as ever."
"Welcome to the Rachel Airship!"
Chibi showed her insignia and winked at Kchan. They went aboard for free. Lack pulled out his special gloves that marked him as the High Seat of the Monk Society and was also able to get onto the Airship for free. Izual gave MikeRex a pat on the back and with Izual's ruby blade Excalibur marking him as the High Seat of the Knight Society also gained them free travel.
Lack tucked the gloves away quickly. He hated being challenged constantly because of them. Chibi poked him in the side and smiled. "Why won't you wear them? It's not like you can't defeat anyone who challenges you." Lack pulled a face at her. "What? You and Izual are the only ones that would get challenges. Yet you hide your insignia and Izual wears his openly."
"If I could hide it I would," Izual said sneaking up on her. Chibi jumped and fell over, her insignia slipping out of her pocket and bouncing along the floor.
"Flyte," Chibi called pointing at the insignia. The Lif flew after it and grabbed a hold of it. She placed it in the little backpack Chibi had made for her and flew back. "I'm glad I don't get challenged. For some reason, people underestimate an Alchemist's power."
"I'm glad you don't get challenges either," Lack murmured helping her up. "It'd be a constant worry for me if you did." Chibi stared at him somewhat annoyed. "What I mean is that, I wouldn't worry about you fighting if you are able to defeat me."
"That wouldn't happen in a million years," Chibi replied looking away. "You've always been, and will always be, much stronger than me." She sat down and leaned back against the wall. "No matter how much I do, I can never defeat you if we were to fight seriously against each other."
Lack leaned against her and smiled. "I guess…"
Izual, Kchan and MikeRex sat nearby in a small circle. "They really do look like siblings now," MikeRex said noticing Chibi and Lack had fallen asleep. "I don't know why but it just seems strange that they don't end up with each other."
"As in love?" Kchan asked with a giggle. "They aren't attracted to each other in that way. And besides…" MikeRex knew why she trailed off. "But I know what you mean, their traits are similar. Chibi is over protective of him too. Just watch."
Kchan quietly pulled out Lack's insignia gloves and replaced them with the ones he was wearing. Lack moved slightly causing Kchan to freeze on the spot. Izual dragged her back and laughed quietly. "He's going to really be angry when he finds out you did that."
"But it'll be fun won't it?" Kchan replied with a cheeky grin. "Besides, I'm getting bored just watching those too get all close like siblings."
Tadakono and Phenomenon stood at the airship station in Yuno. The air around them crackled with excitement. A Thief with bunny ears ran past with a mage talking quickly. Phenomenon and Tadakono looked at each other.
"A Champion fighting a Stalker?" Tadakono asked as the platform shook. "Not that uncommon is it?" He snagged a passing Assassin by the scarf and asked "What's going on?"
"That hurt you know!" she yelled at him and froze when she saw the Fight Club symbol tattooed on the left side of his neck. Settling her scarf around her neck so it was comfortable she added "It's a challenge to a High Seat. It's the best entertainment we've had in Yuno this month." She darted off into the crowd. Tadakono and Phenomenon made their way through the crowd towards the fight. They smiled at each other when they heard two familiar voices.
"Enough!" Chibi stood between Lack and another challenger. "Can't you see he doesn't want to fight anymore? All we've had are challenges since we set foot in Yuno."
Lack placed a hand on Chibi's shoulder. "It's alright Chibi. Just keep an eye on my Life and Magical Power." With a sigh, he threw spheres at his opponent, who instantly was defeated. "This is just so tedious."
Chibi shook with anger. "It's not alright…" Lack looked at her, his eyes widening. "It's not alright…" She drew out of her pouch a bundle of Bombs. Lack raised his hands and backed away from her. "There should be a limit on how many times you can be challenged in one day!" She threw Bombs all over the place. Everyone surrounding them scattered off the platform. Explosions and flames appeared everywhere. Chibi continued to shake, her eyes darkening in colour.
Lack cautiously came close and knocked her out once more. He knelt down and whispered. "Thankyou for driving them away… even if you did lose control again." He stared at Kchan, Izual and MikeRex. They looked shocked at Chibi's burst of anger and it's result.
"Had your fun?" Izual murmured to Kchan as Lack advanced towards them, changing his gloves to ordinary ones. "Because we're going to have to pay for doing that."
"Lots…" Kchan replied keeping her eyes on Lack. "But I didn't expect her to… well… explode like that over people challenging him." Lack's aura strengthened letting them know he was incredibly angry. "But I think… This is going to hurt."
Tadakono and Phenomenon crouched near Chibi. Sounds of punishment could be heard very loudly from Lack and the others. Tadakono sighed and helped Phenomenon get Chibi onto his back so he could carry her. Chibi mumbled something incomprehensible before settling into a deep sleep. Lack took in a deep breath and relaxed. Noticing Tadakono and Phenomenon, he came up and gripped hands with both of them.
"Sleeping Beauty seems to be alright," Phenomenon said to him noticing Lack's concern. "She just said something a while ago but I didn't catch it." Lack smiled and they set off towards Warpra leaving Izual, Kchan and MikeRex very sore and worn out.
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